Estilos de liderazgo directivo y la calidad de gestión educativa desde la percepción docente de cuatro instituciones educativas públicas
Changanaquí Saldaña, Margarita Isabel
Huapaya Ortiz, Ginette Gisselle
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La investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar la relación entre los estilos
de liderazgo directivo y el nivel de calidad de gestión educativa desde la percepción
docente de cuatro instituciones educativas públicas de la UGEL 01. El diseño
utilizado fue no experimental, transversal, correlacional. La muestra estuvo
conformada por 174 docentes. Se utilizó el Cuestionario Multifactorial de Liderazgo
y la Encuesta de opinión a docentes sobre calidad de la gestión educativa.
Los resultados demostraron que existe relación significativa entre la calidad de
gestión educativa y los estilos de liderazgo directivo (p=0.00). El estilo de liderazgo
que predomina es el Transformacional con un 59.77% y el nivel de calidad de
gestión educativa es de logrado con un 47.7% de aceptabilidad. El estilo
Correctivo/evitador se relaciona positivamente con cada una de las dimensiones de la
calidad de gestión educativa (p=0.00) en cada dimensión. Se concluye que los
docentes consideran que el tipo de liderazgo que predomina en sus directores es el
Transformacional, sin embargo perciben mayor relación entre un líder
correctivo/evitador y la calidad de gestión educativa.
The purpose of the research was to determine the relationship between managerial
leadership styles and the quality level of educational management from the
perspective of the teachers in four public educational institutions of UGEL 01. The
design used was non experimental, transversal, correlational. The sample consisted
of 174 teachers. The Multifactorial Leadership Questionnaire and the Opinion Poll to
teachers about the quality of educational management were applied.
Among the main results it was found that there is a significant relationship between
the quality of educational management and the styles of managerial leadership
(p=0.00). The leadership style that predominates is the Transformational with
59.77% and the level of quality of educational management is achieved with a 47.7%
acceptability. The corrective / avoidant style is positively related to each of the
dimensions of the quality of educational management (p=0.00). It is concluded that
teachers consider that the type of leadership that predominates in their directors is the
Transformational, but perceive a greater relationship between a corrective / avoidant
leader and the quality of educational management. The purpose of the research was to determine the relationship between managerial
leadership styles and the quality level of educational management from the
perspective of the teachers in four public educational institutions of UGEL 01. The
design used was non experimental, transversal, correlational. The sample consisted
of 174 teachers. The Multifactorial Leadership Questionnaire and the Opinion Poll to
teachers about the quality of educational management were applied.
Among the main results it was found that there is a significant relationship between
the quality of educational management and the styles of managerial leadership
(p=0.00). The leadership style that predominates is the Transformational with
59.77% and the level of quality of educational management is achieved with a 47.7%
acceptability. The corrective / avoidant style is positively related to each of the
dimensions of the quality of educational management (p=0.00). It is concluded that
teachers consider that the type of leadership that predominates in their directors is the
Transformational, but perceive a greater relationship between a corrective / avoidant
leader and the quality of educational management.
- Gestión Educativa [53]